5 EVERYDAY SAVING TIPS It’s amazing how fast the time flies past… it’s often even more amazing how fast money leaves our bank account after it’s been deposited! The prices of basic necessities and transport have risen considerably and it’s no wonder we’re often left feeling that we need to keep pulling our purse strings […]


A WISE CHOICE NOW PAYS OFF LATER In my previous article I looked at the old-school approach to risk assurance policies and highlighted some areas of concern that the latest policies are trying to avoid. The reason for this is because most life cover premiums are higher than necessary because you are sold an indiscriminate […]


ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH? You could save as much as 30% of the premiums you pay on risk life assurance – against early death, for example – by, in effect, changing your policy from one paying out a single large lump sum and priced for the maximum term, such as “whole of life”, to […]

Diversify Your Investments

So Equities (buying shares in listed companies) is the top-earner among the asset classes? Does that mean you should plonk all your funds into equities?   No. Not at all.   “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” as the saying goes. Each asset class carries some risk and some benefit.   The ideal […]


4 EVERYDAY SAVING TIPS My end-of-the-month saving tips have been really popular and so once again I’m happy to share this month’s list with you. There are only four this time around but they will save you a ton of money if you want to follow them. The first two focus on spending a little […]


5 EVERYDAY SAVING TIPS If you were to think about the choices that you make every day around what you purchase, throw away, borrow, lend and consume, you can begin to think about ways that you can spend your money more wisely and cut back on unnecessary expenses!Saving money doesn’t necessarily mean that you have […]

Is It Taxable?

There’s a fundamental principle of the tax system: if you make money on something, it’s taxable!   This is worth bearing in mind when you’re thinking of how to invest or save. There are a lot of regulations and some exceptions, and it’s worth consulting an expert financial advisor to make sure you don’t put […]

Six Step Financial Planning Process

[dropcap2]1[/dropcap2]Introductory consultation Building a trusting relationship is the first step in creating the financial future you dream about. Being comfortable with your financial planner is essential to building a trusting relationship where you are happy to share information and ask questions. If you have any concerns or have had any bad experiences in the past […]