Financial lessons from Rich Dad, Poor Dad

In his bestselling book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the author, Robert Kiyosaki, explains the fundamental differences in the way his two fathers thought about money — his real father who was ‘poor’ and the father of his best friend who was ‘rich’, despite both earning a good salary. From studying their journeys, he realised that […]

The urgency of an emergency fund

An emergency fund is a lump sum of money that is important to set aside to cover any financial surprises, such as car breakdowns, medical requirements, home repairs, vet bills, or sudden unemployment. These unexpected emergencies can be stressful, costly, and they often demand immediate payment. You can financially manage these unanticipated disasters by ensuring […]

Recent change to TFSAs

A National Treasury regulation that came into play on 1st March 2018 now provides South Africans with more flexibility when it comes to investing their money in a tax-free savings account (TFSA). According to an article published on Business Tech, South Africans will be able to switch as much as they want of their money […]

Investing Offshore

July is National Savings Month in South Africa, which is an awareness campaign spearheaded by the South African Savings Institute (SASI). The objectives of the campaign are to promote discussion about saving, raise awareness about the benefits of financial planning, and motivate consumers to be proactive with regards to their savings. The country’s weakened currency […]

Why you need life cover if you have a bond

When applying for a home loan, one vital aspect to carefully consider is life cover or mortgage protection cover. This will ensure that you can continue to provide your dependants with a roof over their head if you pass away, or become disabled and cannot work. If you are the main income earner, but don’t […]

Business assurance matters

It is highly advisable that anyone who runs their own business takes out business assurance, which is a broad term for a range of life assurance products that are designed to cover various scenarios and requirements. Running a successful business often takes considerable financial investment, but many business owners fail to plan for what happens […]

International Day of Families

In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that 15th May should be observed each year as the International Day of Families. The aim of this annual observance is to increase awareness of family-related issues, and to help countries to tackle these problems with comprehensive policies. The United Nations states that this day “reflects the […]

Life has three constants

Navigating today’s complex world can be challenging, and acting in an effective manner can help you to thrive in our current reality. However, research has shown that many people are not thriving in modern times or feeling fulfilled. Every individual has the potential for greatness but, in order to excel in our environment, we may […]

Working towards a better future

The public holidays just keep on coming this month! From Freedom Day, we have quickly made our way to Labour Day tomorrow, Tuesday, 1st May — and who couldn’t love all these tributes to the human spirit and the notable events that have changed the course of history? Somewhat ironically, to celebrate this International Worker’s […]

8 Behaviours for Financial Freedom

“Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.” — Jean-Jacques Rousseau The opening sentence of The Social Contract, by revolutionary thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is still just as pertinent today as it was in the 18th century. The book highlights man’s journey from a state of autonomy to the modern condition, which is arguably […]