Don’t go crackers

For most of us, November started off with a bang! But unfortunately remembering the redemption from explosive chaos does little to help us manage our time, stress, skills and finances over November and December. It’s like we just go from one event to the next, our limited weekends disappearing under the demands of a myriad […]

When it comes to the rand – local is lekker

Have you ever wondered what causes the rise and drop in commodity prices? While there are several factors at play, the most significant cause is the fluctuating value of a country’s currency. We’ve seen this happen with our own rand in the past few months as our currency has tumbled and gained momentary reprieves, so […]

The power of positivity and a good plan

Have you ever told yourself, “When I have more money, I’ll be happier”? How about, “I’ll never be able to pay off this debt”? These sort of toxic money thoughts are holding you back from financial success – and happiness! A good financial plan needs to be attainable and measurable, those expressions are neither. The […]

Mid-Year Financial Review

When are you most likely to check on your investments? Is it when they are doing well, or is it when the markets are down and you’re feeling anxious? Chances are it’s the latter. This isn’t always the ideal time to make investment decisions as emotions are running high. That’s why taking the time to […]

Run your personal finances like a business

Many finance professionals and journalists agree that managing your finances as you would a business is the key to prosperity. Even the best business ideas can fail if the capital and revenue are not carefully monitored. Similarly, if you mismanage cash on a personal level you could find that you’re short of money by the […]


Investing in your child’s education is often one of the most important yet challenging saving endeavours you can undertake and as a parent you don’t need any reminding of the urgency to start planning and saving today.Having a baby has financial implications and most new and future parents need to start saving straight away if […]


When it comes to debt management you need to have some contingency plans in place for those unexpected and uncontrollable circumstances that can put a strain on your cash flow. To best plan for the unforeseeable future, we look to the past and identify trends that may recur in the future: Fuelling Up Looking back […]


Saving is a tricky financial discipline to master. Most people agree that it’s wise to save, but are unsure as how best to do it. They try one way, take a break, then try another. It’s similar to the way many people try to eat healthily. Again, we all agree to the benefits of healthy […]


If you are interested in investing for your children’s future education, a good way to achieve this is with exchange-traded funds (ETF). It is best advised to have a balanced portfolio spread over multiple asset classes so as to reduce volatility and enhance performance potential. You should consider the following points when setting up education […]


Do you want to begin your 2015 financial year on a good note? Then what better time to review your financial plan! A financial plan provides you with the financial security to overcome unforeseen events and map out a financial future for yourself. When creating a financial plan you need to identify key achievable goals […]