Saving is important, but if you have a credit card debt or an overdraft to pay off does it still make sense to save? It is always a good idea to be saving IF you are in a position to put some money away. Due to the accessibility and convenience, credit card and overdraft facilities, […]
Category Archives: Blog
Soup’s Up!
Winter is the perfect time for soups, they are jam-packed with vitamins to help you fight against the flu, the ingredients are basic, it’s affordable (you can use cheaper cuts of meat – for example), you can keep it for ages if frozen and… it’s warm! Warm, hearty foods on a cold day both comfort […]
Mid-Year Financial Review
When are you most likely to check on your investments? Is it when they are doing well, or is it when the markets are down and you’re feeling anxious? Chances are it’s the latter. This isn’t always the ideal time to make investment decisions as emotions are running high. That’s why taking the time to […]
Father’s Day Ideas
Fathers can be difficult to shop for, if they were easy to shop for then maybe they wouldn’t have so many ties. Now you might be thinking that this is another article telling you how to skimp on a present – it isn’t. Instead, I want you to think about how you can add value […]
Cancer claims reveal risk trends
Recent statistics made available by Liberty Life reveal that cancer is the leading cause of claims paid by the assurer in 2015. One in four claims paid by Liberty were for cancer, and the proportion of claims for cancer is increasing, even at younger ages. Motor vehicle accidents are typically cited as the reason that […]
What happens after a market downgrade?
There has been much murmuring in the financial field as of late regarding queries with respect to investing locally, or shifting all portfolios offshore, specifically in the light of the widespread media coverage and speculation regarding South Africa’s credit rating and the likelihood of a downgrade to “junk status” – which could happen as soon […]
A car or a home?
At some point in your life you are likely to be faced with a choice, should I buy a car or a place of my own? The answer is not always as straightforward as you first think it to be. There are a lot of factors to weigh against one another before you can say […]
Tech – Rent or Buy?
Technology is expensive. With newer, shinier gadgets being released every couple of months it’s difficult to keep up with the blistering pace of advancements, especially when every upgrade is taking a chunk out of your wallet. There is much to be said for renting when it comes to electronics and appliances. In days gone by […]
Investing in your fifties
Many young people neglect to plan for their retirement during their early working lives, arguing that they will take care of it later in life when they are earning a bigger salary. However, on the flip side of the coin, as people get older they assume that they must rebalance their portfolios into more conservative […]
Spoil mom – prepare early!
Get ready to blow her hair back – don’t just wait for it to happen! The trick to spoiling mom is not in buying the perfect present, but making sure you’ve thought of all the little details – and this takes preparation. This is a woman who devotes every detail to you, so showing her […]